Wednesday Morning

Chapter 17: Routine ProceduresJuke wakes up to find Mom sleeping in the recliner next to his bed and Dad in the next room. Dad teases Juke about his hygiene, and Mom carefully prepares Juke for the day.
Chapter 18: WafflingJuke sits in Dad’s office wanting to listen to songs, but Dad is concentrating on work and won’t play them. Dad finally makes waffles, plays songs, and feeds Juke. Mom is upset about the possibility of Juke going to live in a group home now that he has the waiver.
Chapter 19: To Leave OfficeJuke is back in Dad’s office listening to unfamiliar songs while Dad works. Mom updates Dad about potential placements for Juke, none of which seem likely to have openings according to Mr. Jacobsen. Juke is thirsty and bored. He has a bowel movement and Dad takes him to clean up.
Chapter 20: Admission ImpossibleMom feeds Juke lunch and talks on the phone about Juke while Dad works. Juke drops a bite of bagel on the floor and Mom trips while rushing to stop Juke from eating it. Ms. Joyce, the social services administrator, calls to report that “Planter,” an institution with several group homes 90-minutes away, has an opening for Juke but they must take it immediately.  Mr. Jacobsen arrives with the necessary paperwork. Juke falls asleep in Dad’s office while Dad works.