Monday Night

Life Or Birth
Introduction: Juke dreams of a pre-mortal heavenly world of spirits where two Righteous leaders, Regular Bill and Wild Bill, have sent a young adult (“not too far advanced”) spirit, Julian, alone into the wilderness to make his choice whether to follow God or Satan. To seek Righteousness, Julian must hunt the Dragon and not succumb to Satan’s Wicked Angels.
Julian lies in wait hunting the Dragon when he spies Emily—the first spirit he has seen in the wilderness. He must choose whether to “nate” (“kill”) her but cannot decide whether she is Righteous or Wicked. Emily sees him and throws her axe, striking his head with her axe handle. Julian declares he seeks after Righteousness so he can go to Earth and be worthy to live forever with Zeëdzekiah (God). Emily and Julian bond as they discuss how pre-mortal spirits fear being born since no one knows if there is life after birth. Emily treats Julian and gives him an apple, and H.D. Logic states that this is the “Genesis.”
Emily and Julian discuss the Bills’ contradictory instructions for seeking after Righteousness. Emily reveals the Dragons are real and other spiritual secrets. H.D. Logic discloses that Emily has proven to be “Of the Noble and Great Ones,” honoring her as a preeminent Righteous spirit. Emily leaves to report to the Bills on Julian’s progress. Julian resumes his hunt for the Dragons. H.D. Logic cites precedent for Emily and Julian to immediately be in love as “parents and their infant love each other in the instant.” 
As Julian hunts the Dragons, twin spirits Gene and Lorraine—who appear Wicked—entrap Julian. They accuse Julian of Wickedness and set off to the Bills with Julian captive. Julian is confused about his failure and the correct path to Righteousness. H.D. Logic states that all religion is confusing and that mortals cannot remember the pre-Existence. When Gene and Lorraine are distracted, Julian slashes Lorraine with her sword. Gene throws a hatchet at Julian but hits Lorraine. After a stalemate, Gene and Lorraine decide to let Julian go. 
Julian encounters a camp of spirits claiming to be Righteous. Most accept Julian but some are suspicious. The campers pair off to hunt deer as a training exercise. Julian’s companion, Beth, shares blasphemous thoughts and Julian suspects she is Wicked. Beth flees, and it appears that she fires a fiery dart at Julian. Julian nates Beth. Big Luke confronts Julian, and Julian is taken prisoner.
The camp leader interrogates Julian, who explains that he thought Beth was Wicked and thus that he had to nate her. The camp decides to send Julian back to the Bills to determine what should be done.
While still a prisoner, Julian listens to the campers eulogize Beth in words and song.
Big Luke and another camper, Edith, escort Julian out of camp to go to the Bills. Big Luke transfers custody of Julian to Gene (and Edith), and Julian plots escape. They encounter Emily in a field of wildflowers in battle with several Wicked Angels, but Emily is distracted and seriously wounded when Julian calls out to her. Still bound, Julian falls off his horse and cannot assist in the battle, and Gene flees. The Walküren—legendary Righteous female warriors—charge from the sky and defeat the Wicked Angels. Ortlinde, the lead Walküre, and Julian take care of Emily with Edith’s belated assistance.
The Walküren clean up the battlefield as Ortlinde comforts Julian, who is distraught because Emily’s condition is critical. Edith fears more Wicked Angels and the Dragons and warns that they must leave, but Julian refuses and orders Edith to depart. Julian prays for Emily’s recovery and implores her, “Do not give birth to me!” which is the pre-mortal way of saying “Do not die on me!”