
IntroductionJuke is a 19-year-old young man with profound intellectual disability and autism who communicates with about 30 words and various signs. He lives at home with his Mom and Dad and attends a school for students with severe disabilities. He is on medication for impulsive behavior and aggression, but still has frequent behavioral issues.
Chapter 1: The Eternal QuestionsJuke wakes up needing a bowel movement but cannot decide whether to get up and go in the bathroom or go in his bed because Dad locked the bedroom and bathroom doors and disabled the lights for Juke’s own safety. Indecision leads to an accident. Juke attempts to clean it up but makes it worse. He hits his head and gets a bloody nose, adding to the mess. Mom and Dad clean up Juke and his bedroom.
Chapter 2: The Nose KnowsDad considers the Mormon doctrine of a “pre-Existence” before we are born that teaches that all spirits had to choose to follow God or Satan (1/3 followed Satan), and that people with disabilities like Juke proved themselves there to be among the most valiant spirits, and thus do not need to be “tested” on Earth. Juke gets another bloody nose and Mom and Dad take care of it, but Juke misses breakfast.
Chapter 3: The Bus Waits for No OneMom and Dad rush to get Juke his medicine and a bagel and get him on the school bus. Juke plops in the gutter, refusing to get on the bus until Dad tells him to get on. The bus attendant, Connie, pinches Juke and roughly harnesses him. Juke snorts blood spray into Connie’s face. The bus driver and Connie reluctantly clean up Juke but forget to re-harness him, and Juke takes off his pants.
Chapter 4: There but for the Grace of God Go IJuke arrives at school and greets the staff and his friends. Juke gets his favorite new attendant, Ms. Grace, to massage his arm. When Ms. Grace gets distracted, Juke grabs her by the hair and slams her head into the table, breaking her nose. A burly aide, Mr. Gabe, isolates Juke in a calm room with padded walls.
Chapter 5: AJuke eats lunch in isolation and then rejoins the class. He learns about the letter “A,” but Juke has no use for the alphabet. After the lesson, staff return him to the calm room.
Chapter 6: Music and the Spoken WordStill in isolation, Juke listens to the rest of the class participate in his favorite subject, Music Therapy.
Chapter 7: Tactical StalemateSchool is dismissed and Mr. Gabe escorts Julian in a wheelchair back to the classroom and then to the school bus. On the bus, Julian is accompanied by Ms. Edna, a school attendant who does not normally work with Juke. Juke does not see Dad at home and refuses to get off the bus. Mom calls Aminata, Juke’s part-time private caregiver, to help. Aminata arrives with two of her daughters. Juke exits the bus but is enraged when he discovers Dad is not at home. Juke drops to the floor, taking Ms. Edna down with him, and screams.
Chapter 8: The Allure Is GoneMom, Ms. Edna, and Aminata feed Juke who still refuses to get off the floor. Juke throws food and rips Ms. Edna’s shirt, and Ms. Edna leaves. Mom turns on “Blue’s Clues,” and Juke gets up to sit on the couch and watch it with her. Mom puts Juke to bed. Juke is excited to fall asleep and dream.