The LOGiCal Reference for our pre-Existent Dream State
{H.D. term} \pronunciation\ {part of speech} {1 : primary definition} : {mortal equivalent} — {related H.D. term} {part of speech} (definition) : {mortal equivalent} {2 : secondary defnition}
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867.4 quadrillion n : the hypothetical number of eternal spirits; a proxy for “infinite” for pre-mortal comprehension
advanced adj 1 : having accumulated net-positive experience : aged (well) 2 : the degree of accumulation of net-positive experience — exceedingly advanced adj : ancient — far advanced adj : old — newly advanced adj : young — not-too-far-advanced adj : teenage 3 : of a higher quality or progression — advance v (progress) 4 : a significant accumulation
Angel n : an eternal spirit who does not follow Righteousness : evil spirit — Angelic adj
Armory n : the Righteous temple for the performance of rituals or the receipt of spiritual knowledge
as born as a birthday adj phr : ironic expression for “certainly born” (ironic because anniversa-ries are meaningless in eternity) : as dead as a doornail : certain-ly dead
Aufklärung n 1 : in Righteous theology, a divine endowment of wisdom received in preparation for birth to help overcome, endure, understand, or comprehend great challenges 2 : enlightenment
Balaam n : a God infamous for conversing with His ass
bewonderment n : amazement or difficulty in believing a practice or course of conduct exists or per-sists, particularly with respect to Righteousness — bewonder n — v
Big God n : the God in overall charge of everything (Identity unknown) — Big God-awful adj (extremely unpleasant) : godawful
the Bills n 1 : the contradictory eternal spirits in control of Righteousness — Regular Bill n and Wild Bill n 2 : the place where Regular Bill and Wild Bill currently reside (approximate) 3 : vulgar slang used to express annoyance or frustration — Bill n — v — Biller n — Billing adj — adv — Bills-forsaken adj— Billshit n 4 : slang used to exaggerate — Billarity n (contradiction) — Bills-bent adj (determined) — Billsest adj (best) — Bills-load adj (many) — Billsy adj (Bills-like) — one Bill adj (great or large) — both Bills adj (extraordinary)
birth n : the end of life : death — birthly adj : deadly; see give birth
birthbed n : the bed where an eternal spirit is born : deathbed
The Book of Mormon n : Mormon religious text with doctrines consistent with most Righteousness
born adj : no longer alive : dead — be born v : die
Cherub n : a type of ostensibly Righteous eternal spirit known for strong Angelic tendencies, typically in a position of modest responsibility within Righteousness
damnation n : in Righteous theology, an eternal spirit’s eternal punishment for failing to abide by the Righteous Plan, either during its pre-mortal or mortal existence; eternally irrevocable consignment to Wickedness and enslavement to Satan — damn v — adj — damned n — adj
David n : a famous God renowned for His advanced musical ability
disabilities n : spiritual conditions that alter an eternal spirit’s spirit-uality, abilities, or senses; spiritu-al differences always present in eternity — ownabilities adj phr (the abilities of an eternal spirit) : disabilities (positive)
disadvanced adj 1 : having accumulated net-negative experience : aged (poorly) 2 : the degree of accumulation of net-negative experience — somewhen disadvanced phr : prematurely aged (poorly) — too-far-disadvanced adj : senile 3 : of a lesser quality or representing a regression — disadvance v (fail to progress) — far disadvanced adj (in a much worse condition)
Disinspirited Voice n 1 : the projected voice of an eternal spirit, usually not spiritually present, and often negative or cynical — Disinspirited n (abbreviated) : disembodied 2 : self-doubt
The Doctrine and Covenants n : Mormon religious text with teachings and ordinances consistent with most Righteousness, including the pre-Existence and the plurality of Gods — D&C n (abbreviated)
Dragon n : large, Wicked, flying eternal spirit animal that spews firebirth; in Wicked theology, believed to wield special spiritual senses and powers
dream n : how things could be — nightmare n (disadvanced dream); see life
Earth n 1 : in Righteous theology, the place—a planet—where eter-nal spirits go to live in a physical dimension after birth 2 : a dream state
Emily n 1 : eternal spirit 2 : family 3 : the love of our dreams 4 : divine
eternal spirit n 1 : an individual woman, man, or child : human being : person : soul 2 : an individual woman, man, or child living in the pre-Existence — ghostn (pejorative slang) — infinite intelligence n 3 : any living organism 4 : any organism having lived, regardless whether currently born or alive 5 : an individual, or an individual’s spirituality, or the best attributes of spirituality, to remember for eternity
Eternal War in Heaven n 1 : the conflict between Righteousness and Wickedness that never began and never ends : good vs. evil 2 : the infinite conflict between Zeëdzekiah and Satan, including both spiritual combat (fighting between armed forces) and the individual choices and tempta-tions of eternal spirits in the pre-Existence; in Righteous theology, this conflict continues after birth and (possibly) beyond mortality
eternity n : an infinite period that never began and never ends; the absence of functional time — eternal adj
exclask v : to exclaim a question as an expression of surprise or shock
the Fall n 1 : in Righteous theology, the choice of Eve to partake of the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and thus bring Wickedness into the world 2 : in Wicked theology, rejecting Right-eousness — fall v
firebirth n : intense flame exhaled by a Dragon, typically causing instant incineration and birth
Firmament n : the infinite universe : space
flower n 1 : life inanimate 2 : little explosion of joy
Fortress n : military compound on a high mountain peak maintained by Satan’s Army
furniturely possible phr : within the limits of accepted furniture or capable of being furniture
garbage n : something of no further meaningful use or purpose
the Genesis n : creation; the condition, thing, event, force, accident, science, God, or Fall that spins the round; the wheneverest of life; often depicted as tran-spiring over seven days and nights
give birth v 1 : to stop living : die 2 : to nate : kill — given birth v : died — adj : dead
God n 1 : Big God 2 : Zeëdzekiah 3 : Any Other Unnamed God in the Firmament — Others n (More than One Unnamed God) — Rest n (More than One Unnamed God) — Somegod n (Unidentified God, usually Either Big God or Zeëdzekiah) 4 : Lilith 5 : a divine eternal spirit; an eternal spirit with the ability to divine or create
The Great Fable n : Wicked term for the belief that life continues after birth; in Righteous theology, the resolution of the Great Un-known and harnessing of eternal spirits’ fear of birth
The Great Glory n : the fulfillment of the purpose or potential of a creation : the purpose of life
the Great Unknown n : the speculation whether there is life after birth
Guardian Angel n : Angel employed to guard Wicked facilities or prisoners
Heavenly Dream Logic n 1 : whenever reason without language or math 2 : thinking pri-marily by sense or the senses; sensational thought — get in tune v phr (decipher H.D. Logic) 3 : perception less inhibited by time and custom 4 : the Ghost of Future Present 5 : the surrogate for a separate consciousness (anonymous) 6 : the author of The Scriptures 7 : the mouthpiece, voice, and interpsychographer 8 : a caregiver 9 : Me!
The Holy Bible n : religious text with doctrines consistent with most Righteousness, including possible allusions to the pre-Existence; comprised of the Disadvanced and Advanced Testaments : old and new testaments
hoverspace n 1 : the space nearby, where Disinspirited Voices are likely to be heard 2 : internal thought
inanimate adj : in spiritual form : incarnate
induce v 1 : to cause to be put to birth; to carry out a sentence of birth : execute — inducement n : execution 2 : terminate; end
inspiration n : spiritual emission caused by exercising the intellect or emotions : perspiration — inspirational adj — inspire v
interpsychographer n 1 : spiritual entity that divines and relays the internal thoughts and spirituality of an eternal spirit other than the self 2 : H.D. Logic
James the Less n : an obscure God
John the God n : the most beloved male God in the Firmament
Julian n 1 : an eternal spirit 2 : the hero of our dreams 3 : divine
Kingdom n : the abode of a Local God; an infinite area within the Firmament : Heaven
l = 1 n : life equals one — the Formula and the Solution n
life n 1 : the existence of an eternal spirit 2 : one; one thing 3 : a precious gift (unexpected) 4 : the greatest book whenever written 5 : the central object in the simplest round whenever spinning — the round n 6 : how things are 7 : but a whenever 8 : the ultimate questate — live v (experience)
Lilith n 1 : the Divine Spirit Goddess overseeing Wickedness — Angel Queen n — Lili n — Lu-minous Tranquility n 2 : the God of this world
live well life well lived rd 1 : the simplest round whenever spinning : happiness — advance v — The Psalm of Life n — the Truth n 2 : to help others live too (advanced); love 3 : the best you can do is “do the best you can” 4 : life skills 5 : the salutary call and response exchanged by dreamers (“Live well;” “Life well lived”)
Local God n 1 : the God over the eternal spirits in an infinite area within the Firmament 2 : Zeëdzekiah, the only God eternal spirits know
Manna n : delicious spiritual nour-ishment miraculously provided by Zeëdzekiah
Mary the God n : the most beloved female God in the Firmament
metric system n : measurement system so obviously correct that it is used by the Wicked and both Bills of the Righteous
Michael Archangel n : a prominent God and former Angel
mid-advanced adj : having accumulated significant and roughly equivalent positive and negative experience : middle-aged
“mission” n : the voluntary call to serve issued by Zeëdzekiah to all Of the Noble and Great Ones; typically an almost certainly suinatal secret task in the fight against Wickedness as part of the Eternal War in Heaven
mortal n : in Righteous theology, an eternal spirit living after birth on Earth; mortals do not remem-ber the pre-Existence — mortali-ty n (the quality or state of being mortal) — pre-mortal adj (to be alive before birth; the only proven condition of all eternal spirits) — post-mortal adj (to be alive after mortality)
nate \nāt\ v : to cause the birth of an eternal spirit : kill : murder : assassinate (by plot) — natal adj : fatal : deadly — natality n : fatality — go natal v : die : get killed — pre-natal adj (likely to cause birth)
OF COURSE THIS OF COURSE n 1 : the lifespan of an eternal spirit 2 : what is obvious or self-evident 3 : science; the science behind the Formula and the Solution 4 : spirituality : reality 5 : inevitable fate : as fate would have it 6 : the conclusion of the Psalm of Whenever (2 Lilith 2:7)
Of the Noble and Great Ones n 1 : preeminent eternal spirits; the most elect 2 : eternal spirits with disabilities; eternal spirits with their own abilities : people with disabilities 3 : caregivers 4 : heroes of time and devotion (typically anonymous) 5 : special spirits 6 : the dream religion for eternal spirits — dreamers n (believers) 7 : predestined cult classic, to study as long as there is time 8 : the metaphor 9 : life, dreams/parallel, round 10 : good dogs
The Pearl of Great Price n : Mormon religious text with doctrines consistent with most Righteousness, including the pre-Existence and the plurality of Gods
perfection n 1 : in Righteous theol-ogy, the character of God, the ob-jective of life, and the product of salvation 2 : in Wicked theology, The Second Great Fable
physical adj : theoretical dimension beyond the spiritual
pinnacle n : a high mountain parkland overlooking the ocean at Satan’s Court
pre-Existence n 1 : the abode of pre-mortal eternal spirits; a spiritual dimension : heaven — dream state n — dream world n 2 : the whenever and place for eternal spirits to choose whether to follow Zeëdzekiah or Satan; in Righteous theology, the period of an eternal spirit’s existence before birth when they must choose between Righteousness and Wickedness 3 : the Kingdom of Zeëd-zekiah : heaven
Preëx \’prē-ex\ n : the common name for the pre-Existence — Preëxian n — adj
questate v 1 : to express a statement as a question, often with an obvious answer 2 : to simultaneously pursue questions and answers, or purpose and meaning 3 : to travel or wander with the intent to discover a purpose or objective unknown at the outset — questate n
Rave Ants n : in drunken Wicked theology, hedonistic insects that are as likely to fall as rain when-ever spirits attempt to influence the weather
Righteous adj : consistent with following Zeëdzekiah, as directed by the Bills : good — Righteousness n
Righteous Plan n 1 : the plan of Zeëdzekiah to bring about the salvation of eternal spirits, as relayed by the Bills; the choices, actions, covenants, and ordinances required to avoid eternal Wickedness, damnation, and enslavement to Satan — God’s Plan n 2 : in Righteous theology, anything that happens : God’s will 3 : in Righteous theology, anything the Bills require or think
salvation n : in Righteous theology, the doctrine that eternal spirits can be rescued from birth and live forever with Zeëdzekiah in Righteousness; the reward for obedience to the Righteous Plan; the avoidance of the consequences of Wickedness — saved n — v — adj
Satan n : the somewhat above-average eternal spirit who is not to be worshipped, designated for eternity as the head of Wicked-ness; the husband of Lilith — the Great Satan Hisself n — Lucifer n — Satanic adj
Satan’s Army n : the infinite legions of Angels organized and prepared to battle on the side of Wickedness in the Eternal War in Heaven
Satan’s Court n : the mountain and seaside estate where Satan resides and tempts eternal spirits — House of Lili n
Satan’s Plan n : to reject The Great Fable and achieve The Great Glory; to accept the Formula and the Solution; OF COURSE THIS OF COURSE
scientific blowhaha n : the theoretical ability to cause spiritual matter to explode by force to inflict injury; cannonballs, gunpowder, missiles, satellites and related hypothetical devices; mythical weaponry advanced beyond the medieval
The Scriptures n : the sacred text of Heavenly Dream Logic
Secret Angel n : an eternal spirit spying for Wickedness
seek after Righteousness phr 1 : to act in accordance with the commandments of Zeëdzekiah 2 : in the pre-Existence, to be engaged in the specific critical decision(s) whether to follow Zeëdzekiah or Satan, typically while being tested in the wilderness, as measured by an eternal spirit’s faithfulness in hunting the Dragon and not succumbing to Wicked Angels
sing-along-a-dingalong-song n : obnoxious, repetitive song sung in a round — sing-along-a-long-dingalong-song n (long-er)
special adj 1 : in Righteous theol-ogy, the belief that certain spirits or classes of spirts are favored by God or more predisposed to Righteousness than other spirits 2 : spirits with advanced life skills : good person : saint
spirituality n 1 : all eternal spirits : humanity 2 : the state of things as they actually exist : reality : the real world; see life 3 : the qualities or behavior of an individual eternal spirit : personality 4 : the way eternal spirits typically behave : human nature 5 : past events, particularly of eternal spirits : history 6 : the degree of spiritual sensitivity : humanity — spirit n : nature — spiritual adj (sensitive to spiritual things; of or relating to spirits) : natural : physical : personal : conscious — spiritually adv — spiritualization n : civilization — spiritualize v : materialize
suinate n : birth caused by injuring oneself with the intent to be born; to give birth to oneself : suicide — suinatal adj : suicidal
Tabernacle Tent n : the elaborate and well-appointed mobile domicile and court of Regular Bill
Thoughts and Prayers n : the combined, focused spirituality of the Righteous in petition to Zeëd-zekiah, as applied to particular subjects
time n : the period during which an event or thing occurs; the theoretical concept of duration that is nearly meaningless to eternal spirits in the pre-Existence : whenever
trainer n : Righteous eternal spirit set apart by the Bills to instruct other spirits
Under-God n : official acting under the direct supervision of a God
unrepentance n : an attempt to choose or convert to Wickedness (usually right at birth)
Walküren n : legendary female warriors Of the Noble and Great Ones fighting for Righteousness
whenever n 1 : Eternal God — Whenever n 2 : unit of eternal time (always indeterminate) : instant : minute : moment : second : time (et al.) — now be-ing whenever phr : there is no time like the present — some-when adv (to an uncertain degree) — therewhenever adv : therefore — this whenever adv : now — wheneverest n (crucial or significant moment) — whenevermore adv : ever-more : forever : whatsoever
whisprask v : to whisper a question, typically in reverence, hesi-tance, secrecy, or gossip
Wicked adj : contrary to Righteousness : evil — Wickedness n
wilderness n : the infinite area of the pre-Existence set aside to actively seek after Righteousness
Zeëdzekiah \’Zē-ed-zə-kī-əh\ n : the Local God; the God of this Kingdom; the only God eternal spirits know — Beautiful Voice n — Zeëdzekiahspeed adj: godspeed